Meet the Team
The organisational structure of Catan Community consists of different teams. You can read about the teams and what they do below! Interested in joining a team? Let us know in this interest form.
You can see a breakdown of the CC Administration Hierarchy here.
Server Leads
Role: To guide the community's strategic vision and maintain harmony within the leadership team.
Ensure a well-organized and structured community environment.
Resolve internal conflicts and issues within the leadership team.
Act as liaisons between various teams.
Manage partnerships with other communities and platforms (e.g., Colonist, 2S).
Collect and funnel suggestions from the community to the appropriate teams.
Mitigate any issues among the admin teams.
Make decisions in collaboration with admin teams and team leads when necessary.
Fill needed positions on teams during periods of unfilled positions between elections.
Current Leaders: Lizcakes and Ritter
Moderation Team
Role: To ensure all server members are adhering to server rules
Resolve open tickets pertaining to in-game actions, inappropriate language/behavior, and other disputes.
Send messages for ticket investigation purposes.
Send messages issuing soft warnings, warnings, and bans.
Properly log moderation records.
Discuss changes and improvements to moderation.
Keep an eye on all open channels.
Confirm unconfirmed games.
Set the wager limits when needed.
Keep an eye on any incorrectly confirmed games or flagged games.
Current Moderators: Lizcakes, Donny, Ritter, Bouncyknight, Jas
Tournament Team Members
Role: To host and facilitate tournaments for all server members to enjoy.
Tournament Team Members can take on the “Host” role to manage permissions related to tournament roles (e.g. 143 Open Base Q1). There can be more than one host and for big tournaments (e.g. Third Year Anniversary), it's required that there are more than one host. These hosts can create their own hierarchy as needed. For example, they can all be equals but divide up the hosting tasks as they see fit or one host can take on a leadership role while they train a newer Tournament Team Member how to host.
For Weekly Tournaments: Create tournament posters and advertise within the server and on partner servers (e.g. Colonist’s server), work with streamers for tournament game coverage, answer questions from new players during the check-in stage, update results, update the quit sheet, and keep track of tournament winners and the winner role.
For End of Month (EOM) Tournaments: Upload LP to determine who qualifies for EOM, send out EOM invites and track acceptances, help players with scheduling, work with streamers for tournament game coverage, and update results.
For Ad-Hoc Tournaments (e.g. Hexamind): Design the ad-hoc tournaments which include formats, rules, and timelines, create tournament posters and advertise within the server and on partner servers (e.g. Colonist’s server), help players with scheduling, work with streamers for tournament game coverage, and update results.
Overall: Discuss changes and improvements to tournaments.
Current Team Members:
Bouncyknight, Gumnut, Giggs, Hippo, Lizcakes, Sparrowhawk, xStardust, Puzzles Markus, Nunuyz
Writing/Promo Team
The Writing/Promo team has the responsibility to write most of the text for the whole server's needs. More specifically they are in charge of:
- Keep informational channels up to date, both on the server and the website
- Writing Recaps & Shoutouts
- Run the servers social media platforms
Current Members: Athanais, add yomama
Finance Team
The Finance team keeps monitoring the finance situation of the server, collect donations, reach out to winners and distribute the Cash Prizes.
Development Team
The Development Team maintains/builds the bots you love, designs and maintains our website, and does all the techy stuff that not everyone understands. However, they cannot do it all themselves! Hence they are getting help from our amazing Contributors that are brought in for special projects, like to work on and finish our website!
Team Members as Participants
A participant in the context of a game/tournament they are playing in must be treated as a participant only. Their role and/or title within the CC team or any other team does not matter.
A participant in the context of a game/tournament they are playing in does not represent the CC team in any way.
A CC team member’s opinions in public forums do not reflect the opinions of the entire team in any way (e.g., if a team member is against non-blocks, that does not equate to CC as a whole being against non-blocks).
All CC team members must adhere to the same server rules as anyone else. Penalties for quits, in-game actions, inappropriate language/behavior, and other disputes are the same as for everyone else on the server.
CC Team vs Team Member
A person can be part of the Development Team, Tournament Team, or Writing / Promo Team without being in the CC Team. Usually, this occurs because CC team members are unfamiliar with the new joiner and want to assess their behavior, work ethics, involvement, etc., before adding them to the CC Team.
A person cannot be part of the Moderation Team or Finance Team without being in the CC Team. This is because these two specific teams deal with more sensitive information.
A person in the Development Team, Tournament Team, or Writing / Promo Team can ask their Team Lead for permission to join the CC Team at any time. The Team Lead will then bring this up to Server Leads and other Team Leads for approval.
The CC Team provides more permissions. For example, when a Tournament Team member also becomes a CC Team member, they gain access to the Development Team channel, Writing / Promo Team channel, some bot channels, and CC team channels.